Monday, March 2, 2009

Working For the Man Every Night and Day...

I must be becoming more and more Hawaiian, because I now work for the hospitality industry. Actually, that's putting it far too glamourously. I work at a stand in the Tapa Bar Hilton on the weekends. Why, you ask? I already get a stipend and free tuition. I work at the Lanakila Health Center and MHSRET under this stipend. The answer is simply: Asterisk rent. So why stay? Well, besides the fact that I am notoriously indecisive about such matters, my boyfriend is finally moving in with me in JUST THREE WEEKS!! We can find a cheaper place after that I assume. I'm looking towards Makiki, because I want windows and plants again, rather than the urban splendour that is Moilili.
As for teh stand, I made 40 bucks a week in tips, so at least I can justify it to myself that I'm ripping off tourists.

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