Thursday, December 11, 2008

End of the (School) Year Musings...

It's not quite time for the New Years stuff yet, but on this beautiful tropical stormy day in Oahu, I think I'll ruminate for a bit.
This year has probably been the most difficult of my entire life.
I've faced a debilitating illness, stress beyond measure, and personal goals to fulfill in order to achieve my long-sought after dream of a psychology career.
I think I have grown considerably as a psychologist, and as a woman.
Before this year I never really stopped to muse on where my life was going. I was anxious about it, of course, and always ready to move on to the next stage, but really I was running.
Running and running and running from myself, from my fears about my own self-efficacy.
This year I've had to face these fears head on.
I think, in many ways, I have succeeded. My projects are all doing well, and though the threat of funding being cut always looms in the distance, I think I will have a good paper/poster yet by March.
My health has its ups and downs, but I continue to see an improvement in my coping responses, which I think is wonderful.
I have seen a huge increase in my pride and self-esteem regaurding my overall life.
Although Glenn is moving in (and I couldn't be happier!!!) I have reduced my dependence on people and am allowing myself room to grow as a woman, rather than always relying on others.
My music has shown a great deal of improvement on the synths!!
In general, I believe that life has given me many challenges, but that I have proved myself worthy to face them all.
As the school year ends, I know I have truly done well, and for the first time all year, I am truly proud.

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