Saturday, December 27, 2008

On Channukah, a Jew Speaks Up...

For two days I was with the Waits, aka the 'Whitest Family Alive' celebrating Christmas. It was awesome and beautiful up in the mining country, and I loved playing Clue and opening presents around the tree. I got some weird questions of the 'can you eat this' variety, but generally things were merry and well.
I come back to find Israel has bombed Gaza and the death toll is now close to 200. Mom and I (and she has NEVER agreed with me before on this) spoke out against Israel and said it should have never been created as a state, something that I have believed in from the earliest time I was aware of the state. Despite all of my brainwashing as a child in temple, something seemed rotten in the state of Israel from the very beginning. My holocaust survivor grandmother, unfortunatly, FREAKED OUT. She is now not speaking to either us. She says she feels as if someone punched her in the face.
I only feel sadness because despite my optimism I see that this world is farther away from peace and love than it has ever been. I hate that my people are so blind that they kill innocents on their holiday. The Seven Years War, on Passover, was basically the equivalent of this. We are no better than the murderers we accuse- warmongering animals trying to survive, instead of a human and beautiful people that we have the potential to be. We have the ability to be the most humane of all- forever hunted and wiped out- but we are acting like fools and I am ashamed.
If that wasn't bad enough, we got a Wii and my mom and I were playing DDR all last night. I wake up this morning to find that the military is going to use Wii technology to create little 'killbots.'
Let's all sing the Doom Song....
I know people are good....
I only wish they weren't equally evil, at a time when they are supposed to feel love.

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