Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Whale of a Tale or Two (On Valentine's Day!)

Tis a rare, rare occurence, Blogworld, that I have no date on Valentine's Day. I say this without a trace of arrogance, for I'm well aware of the stupidity of such a holiday. I simply seem to have had throughout my life a certain propensity for romance and the desire to please and be pleased... let's just say that in seinor year, my best friend Amy Garcia and I bet who could would have a boyfriend first so that we would have a date for Valentine's Day, and I won.
But all ancient slaggery aside, I have found my true love, fairly far away Danville and even from Edinburgh (even though we grew up nearly on the same street together) in San Francisco. The Gods decreed that this V day our whale-watching plans would be thwarted, due to the economy sucking and more money needing to be saved for Glenn to move in. So I decided to ask my roomates, the Asterisk Krew, to come with me instead! The results were amazingly wonderful and unexpected.
On the whale cruise, we saw not one, not two, but THREE whales! They were all humpbacks, a mother and baby, as well as the lone escort, helping them make their crucial journey through the Hawaiian waters. And then something wonderful happened. The mother and baby of them actually jumped high in the water, as though dancing, breaching, leaping, and showing us all of their massive bodies in tandem. It was one of the most beautiful moments in my entire life. Alec, Charlie, Sarah, Luke and I smiled and cheered, and felt almost the same the kind of exhiliration one feels when falling in love.
Afterwards it was indie dancing with my other set of friends, including the awesome Lauren, Ryan, Isa, Elegance, Mish, Dean, Matt, and Steph, among others. I simply love dancing with them because they are so unselfconscious, and allow a ditz like me to recite all the lyrics without moving away quietly. Their dancing reminds of the Egg, some three or four years ago, when it was totally OK to just bust a move without feeling like an idiot while mouthing 'House of Jealous Lovers." That song in particular holds a meaning for me, having seen them play it at the top of a ferris wheel when my best friend declared his love for me while on mushrooms... a very surreal experience indeed.
And so that brings us all back to love, my friends. Whether you care for a lover or for a friend, know that this is all you have to do on this Earth, and that you are contributing to the sum of good as opposed to badness.

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