Saturday, January 10, 2009

Joy Is...

...Recording a song on the synth that sounds like Black storks calling. They have amazing throat patches.
I went to the Honolulu Aquarium and Zoo today, basically just whooped it up tourist-stylee. I was very impressed by the zoo. Lots of Lemurs!! Lemurs!! Lemurs!! Ok, I just thought they were awesome. They have groups of females rather than males, and they looked like 20-somethings chattering and grooming each other just like a bunch of ladies having lunch. It's amazing how simian people can be sometimes... reminds me of that wonderful Will Self satire 'Great Apes.'
Last night at Ross' was much fun. Hilarity ensued with the Justice tour manager 'I'm actually buying a gun' from the 'A Cross the USA' JUSTICE tour record. Elegance took me outside and asked me if I was bulemic, then proceeded to drunkenly justify said question... AWKWARD. I laughed. Do I come off as that insecure? Good lord, I thought I had grown up a little since Edinburgh.... but who knows. I can only be who I am... which is a long way away from my old self-hating behaviors of my teenage years... later he stroked my hair and fell asleep. I felt a strange mixture of compassion and rage.
I miss Glenn but I will live through this time as he comes in April.
I am happy to be back.
I think I'm starting to love Hawaii.

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