Saturday, January 17, 2009

"I want to be a playboy's bunny...."

The Nun's Litany. Man, that song grows on you, doesn't it? Missing Glenny as per usual makes me feel this particular sassy's sister's pain. True love's a bitch, but then its worth every penny, as they say.
This weekend was uber chilled out after the hi-jinx of last week's first week back. The weather turned dour and a 'storm watch' cancelled school and work yesterday, so it was movie time! Since the 'better-faster-stronger' Alec moved into Asterisk the place has improved about six thousand percent, especially since he's a film buff like me (though his term for me is 'snob.)
We watched 'Big Lebowski,' a golden oldie, followed by Jason's pick 'American Psycho.' Although this is an excellent film, I have to caution anyone against the book, because it's real trash. The only book to get banned in the 90s and for good reason is actually not that shocking- just shockingly dull and tasteless. This essentially interesting satire of the 80s facelessness gets blown through the author's lack of craft into a huge, coke-fueled demon monster paranoia book. It's the literary equivalent of Tricky mixed with Slipnot. Not a good proposition my friends. (Although Ellis' first novel, 'Less than Zero,' was simply excellent.)
The final film before Thai food was 'Lake of Fire,' which I can say is the best documentary I've ever seen. Kaye has a cameraman's eye for shots like Ulrich Seidl, and films all in perfect symmetry and beautiful black and white, even the famed abortion shot itself. Despite my firmly pro-choice views, and all the subsequent pro-life madness following, I simply couldn't get the bloody viscera out of my mind. Highly reccomended.
This is Rach signing off for now, as its sunny and the fish practically call out to be watched on Ft. De Russy, the world's most undderated snorkeling beach.

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