Saturday, September 27, 2008

"I ALSO Have a Bracelet..."

Hoo boy.
Those debators with their stories.
Mccain really Reaganized it this year with his emo tales of yore.
Mostly I'm just upset at Obama. This man is a brilliant spokesman, someone who has inspired the first real hope in a generation of apathetic voters since we've been alive. The first person we've seen try to go against the good ole' boys with a real hope of coming out on top. Instead, he conceeded every single point to Mccain.
While Mccain demeaned him and called him 'naive,' he further allowed him every point on the issue of the economy, the real issue that the Obama camp has in the bag. Diplomacy is not the function of a presidential debate; it is to show the world that you have the ability, the will, and the strength to govern a nation.
The only truly great point that the usually on-fire Obama had was when mentioning how the rest of the world VIEWS us. For someone who has lived in Europe, I completely agree. The days of xenophobia and fear are over; or we will allow them to destroy us from within. We live in a global world. This is truly why I think Obama should win- he will attempt to change our selfish foreign policy as much as his administration can push for. For the rest of the world's sake, and for our own, I truly hope that this 1st debate doesn't change everyone's mind about that hope.

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